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Genetic Strains of Giantism Found in Northern Irish Clans: Has the Ancient Nephilim Gene Trail Marker Been Found?

The Urantia Book

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2011-3011 By CK Hunter All Rights Reserved. Cited Materials Covered By Their Copyrights

Our 21st century fascination with the ancient Nephilim giants who were described in the Bible has only intensified over the years, as each new archeological and scientific discovery continues to prive that these huge men and women did exist.

We now know that these Nephilim [ aka Anakim or Annunaki ] giants were, in fact, very literal and very real.

Skeletons have been found in modern times since the late 1800s which are inexplicably enormous, some as large as 15 feet tall, and now scientists have identified a DNA mutation from ancient populations in Northern Ireland that produces giantism: people who could grow to a height of 8 feet tall or more.

Is it possible that the mutant gene found in the four northern Ireland families is a left over of a much older Nephilim gene, and that through early human migrations and interbreeding, that this gene emerged again thousands of years later, 1500 years ago, in these four Irish families? The evidence continues to mount that the ancient Anakim, Nephilim “mighty men of old” also referred to as the Annunaki, were very real parts of a prehistoric chapter of the human species which was lost in the deep annals of time, which has also been devoid of any written records until just recently.

We know that the bible has been rewritten and re-edited over and over again since the 325 A.D. Council of Constantinople. We know that the Catholic Bible has several more books than the Protestant, and we know that in the Old Testament there are repeated references to the “Book of Jasper” which has been omitted from the KJV Bible. Men with passions for greater power and control over the human species’ religious life have tinkered with the scriptures incessantly since 325 A. D. and that fact is not in dispute.

Here is just one example: the word “Lucifer” has been omitted in several places in the New International VersionHoly Bible, as compared to the KJV Bible. I refuse to read the NIV bible for that reason alone.

I maintain that one of the reasons the Urantia Book Fifth Ephochal Revelation of Truth was given to humankind was to make up for the suppression and destruction of the written records of our oldest human origins. There has been a longstanding generational conspiracy within the church itself to keep the truth about our origins from the people of this world. if you doubt this, place a copy of the Urantia Book in front of most any Christian minister or pastor and watch how they react. They have allowed themselves to fear this great revelation of cosmic truth to the point that many actually fear to open the book and look at it’s table of contents. I have had Christian pastors tell me that they refuse to examine any other book which contains records of humankind’s origins other than the KJV bible. This is not intelligent bible scholarship. And pity to these men and women that it will take someone like me to finally present the truthful records to the American people through my blogs, but God has raised me up for this purpose and so I proceed.

Modern religious men and women should not fear to seek for the truth with all diligent earnest prayer and supplication to the Holy Spirit. Please follow my lead and we will get there – together. – Chase Kyla Hunter

And now in these last days, Jesus own words from 2,000 years ago ring true as we learn the truth and are spiritually set free by it.  The Spirit of Truth is literally sweeping across the world, inspiring brilliant men and women of science to converge and re-unify apparently disparate discoveries, comparing those discoveries to ancient accounts in the Holy Bible, the Urantia Book and other ancient holy books to see where they intersect. We are connecting the dots as a human species, by putting the historical, archealogical and anthropological discoveries into a greater tapestry of understanding.  These newly discovered facts now corroborate the biblicalGenesis story of the ancient Nephilim giants that resulted from the Annunaki “Gods” mating with mortal women.

The Urantia Book’s account of giants in the earth’s distant past is also corroborated by this scientific discovery. The entire text of the Urantia Book, which is 2037 pages, is free for humankind to read and study, is in the public domain, and can be found at You may also listen to audio reading of the chapters as well.

My only correction to add to the article below is that modern science and anthropology has yet to fathom how far back in time the original mutation took place. The original genetic mutation would have taken place more than 450,000 years ago. When the Planetary Prince [see KJV bible phrase “Kings and Princes of the Earth“] assigned to Earth [ Urantia ] and his staff arrived on Earth [ Urantia ] 500,000 years ago they constructed the first ever human settlement at the headwaters of the Persian Gulf. This settlement was named Dalamatia. A hybrid human was developed at that time from mixing the human genome with that of several of the Prince’s staff. This truth became the fodder for the many legends of the “MIghty Men of Old” which are described in the book of Genesis. I strongly suggest truth seekers study a copy of  the King James Version Holy Bible, hand in hand with cited sections of the Urantia Book, which fully corroborate the biblical story of the Nephilim giants, expanding the details therein.

Cited from the Urantia Book’s Paper titled: The Planetary Prince of Urantia planet Earth ]:

(742.3) 66:2.3 The planetary staff included a large number of angelic co-operators and a host of other celestial beings assigned to advance the interests and promote the welfare of the human races. But from your standpoint the most interesting group of all were the corporeal members of the Prince’s staff — sometimes referred to as the Caligastia one hundred.

(742.4) 66:2.4 These one hundred rematerialized members of the Prince’s staff were chosen by Caligastia from over 785,000 ascendant citizens of Jerusem who volunteered for embarkation on the Urantia adventure. Each one of the chosen one hundred was from a different planet, and none of them were from Urantia.

(742.5) 66:2.5 These Jerusemite volunteers were brought by seraphic transport direct from the system capital to Urantia, and upon arrival they were held enseraphimed until they could be provided with personality forms of the dual nature of special planetary service, literal bodies consisting of flesh and blood but also attuned to the life circuits of the system.

(742.6) 66:2.6 Sometime before the arrival of these one hundred Jerusem citizens, the two supervising Life Carriers resident on Urantia, having previously perfected their plans, petitioned Jerusem and Edentia for permission to transplant the life plasm of one hundred selected survivors of the Andon and Fonta stock into the material bodies to be projected for the corporeal members of the Prince’s staff. The request was granted on Jerusem and approved on Edentia.

(742.7) 66:2.7 Accordingly, fifty males and fifty females of the Andon and Fonta posterity, representing the survival of the best strains of that unique race, were chosen by the Life Carriers. With one or two exceptions these Andonite contributors to the advancement of the race were strangers to one another. They were assembled from widely separated places by co-ordinated Thought Adjuster direction and seraphic guidance at the threshold of the planetary headquarters of the Prince. Here the one hundred human subjects were given into the hands of the highly skilled volunteer commission from Avalon, who directed the material extraction of a portion of the life plasm of these Andon descendants. This living material was then transferred to the material bodies constructed for the use of the one hundred Jerusemite members of the Prince’s staff. Meantime, these newly arrived citizens of the system capital were held in the sleep of seraphic transport.

(742.8) 66:2.8 These transactions, together with the literal creation of special bodies for the Caligastia one hundred, gave origin to numerous legends, many of which subsequently became confused with the later traditions concerning the planetary installation of Adam and Eve.

(743.1) 66:2.9 The entire transaction of repersonalization, from the time of the arrival of the seraphic transports bearing the one hundred Jerusem volunteers until they became conscious, threefold beings of the realm, consumed exactly ten days.

The article is cited below:

Standing tall: The 1,500-year-old mutant giant gene that is STILL causing excessive growth in Northern Ireland

Copyright 2011 by  DAILY MAIL REPORTER
Last updated at 11:07 AM on 6th January 2011

A race of giants may have sprung from a mutant gene that first emerged around 1,500 years ago and causes uncontrolled body growth, scientists believe.

The ‘gigantism gene’ was identified in the DNA of an 18th century man known as the Irish Giant who stood almost eight feet tall.

The gene is still causing excessive growth in families in the same area of Northern Ireland where Charles Byrne was born.

Gigantic genes: Brendan Holland (right) observes the skeleton of 'Irish Giant' Charles Byrne, who shares the same mutant geneGigantic genes: Brendan Holland (right) observes the skeleton of ‘Irish Giant’ Charles Byrne, who shares the same mutant gene

He found fame in the 1780s by exhibiting himself as a curiosity or ‘freak’ in London and died aged just 22 after his celebrity saw him develop a drink problem.

Copies of Byrne’s mutation have been found in living patients suffering from gigantism and other symptoms of over-growth.

And scientists writing in the New England Journal of Medicine said they suspect all inherited the gene from the same common ancestor who lived up to 66 generations ago. Around 200 to 300 people may be carrying the same mutation today.

The Irish Giant – also known by his stage name O’Brien – was born in Littlebridge, Northern Ireland, in 1761.

Despite claims that he towered more than eight feet tall, skeletal evidence shows his height to have been just over seven feet seven inches.

After his death Byrne’s body was acquired by the 18th century surgeon John Hunter, and his skeleton remains at the Hunterian Museum at the London headquarters of the Royal College of Surgeons.

British and German scientists conducting the new research extracted DNA from two of the Irish Giant’s teeth.

One feels very small: The Queen observes the skeleton of the 'Irish Giant' in 1962[ photo ] One feels very small: The Queen observes the skeleton of the ‘Irish Giant’ in 1962

They discovered a mutant version of the aryl hydrocarbon-interacting protein gene (AIP) which matched those found in living patients fromfour Northern Irish families.

The gene variant triggers tumour growth in the pituitary gland at the base of the brain. Among its many functions, the gland releases hormones that regulate growth.

Pituitary tumours can cause tissue to grow abnormally, which may lead to gigantism – as suffered by Byrne – or acromegaly. Symptoms of acromegaly include thickened skin, enlarged hands and feet, distorted facial features, and overgrown organs.

By analysing the DNA, the scientists calculated that all the carriers of the mutant AIP gene had inherited the genetic fault from a common ancestor.

Calculations suggest that the mutation is about 1,500 years old, and between 200 and 300 people may carry it today.

Professor Marta Korbonits, from Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, who led the research, said: ‘The idea initially looked quite bizarre, but as we gained more data and identified new families affected by the mutation, our findings confirmed our theory.

“The most important clinical aspect of our study is that it is now possible to trace down carriers of this gene in time and treat patients before they grow to be a giant.’

Co-author Professor Mark Thomas, from University College London, said: ‘The striking thing about this research is that with modern genetic techniques we can say so much about somebody who died so long ago and use that information to identify and treat people at risk today.”

The discovery means anyone thought to be at risk can now be screened for the AIP mutation with a blood test, said the scientists.

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